Phantomzedi Thinks …..again

Isn’t it strange that we know about so many things, especially in this information age and technology? About stars and planets, the wars and the diplomacies, the animals and nature, and everything between heaven and earth. Yet at every moment, every step of our life we are plagued by our miscalculations, always meditating in our... Continue Reading →

A note to self from 2018

There are a few lies to tell  and after that you'll be dead just like seasons your horrors will change life will always turn like a page from glee to gloom, from praise to shame it's your, only your survival game, whatever ensures your tranquility good-bad, virtuous-evil; doesn't matter again 'cause world is a place that'll... Continue Reading →

Chapter nine: That something

Sometimes when I am just sitting there doing nothing, maybe thinking, most probably slacking and dancing with my procrastination; there is a eerie sensation building up in my head. My mind is forcing me to do something productive, something that will yield results in a long run. When I ask to my mind what that... Continue Reading →

Cycle of rumination

Josh has a date tomorrow, with his long time crush Jane. Josh wants to impress her badly and make her fall in love with him (that is what every guy wants in a date, duh.) Josh sits down and starts to think. First the thoughts start off with mild and soothing vibes. Like what color... Continue Reading →

Heathen Mind

As I sit here trying to write something after a long long time, a paradox of chaos and silence envelops my brain. The music of thoughts shuffles through the strangest of tunes; some of them just hum in the background while others try to blast my head off. But I sit here jaded at every... Continue Reading →

Fighters of fate

He feels a world in his heart, screams of unknown and strangers of the past divided between weak and strong, a confused soul he walks alone was he a coward or a warrior? He does not know , neither he cares, for his destiny lies somewhere else, in the form of sapphire eyes, lustrous hair... Continue Reading →

Quote of the week

While reading an article in my mail early in the morning, I came across the following quote and it was really satisfying. Now this can be applied to a lot of circumstances in life and how you choose to relate it to your own life depends on you. The quote was something like this: If... Continue Reading →


Life is a tale told in the music of varying realities. It is an exploration of wonders by ambitious ones or a regretful downfall of the idle ones, it is a never ending pursuit of a dreamer or a chapter laid to rest by the looser, it is an upbeat song of will and determination... Continue Reading →

Among the actors

Trust is a beautiful artifact of reality, a rare and elegant creation of the divine. And it is also most brittle of all, every blow to it no matter how small can put its whole existence in jeopardy. Sometimes it seems I have created a circle of strangers that I know and apart from those... Continue Reading →

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